☑️ Four weeks of one-on-one private mentorship with New Times Best Selling Author Peggy
☑️ Meet twice a week for 15 minutes (every Monday and every Friday between 8am EST and 4pm EST); or once a week for 30 minutes.
☑️ Start your mentorship with Peggy with a 1 hour strategic planning session
☑️ Video recordings of each session so you can review them
☑️ LIVE Q&A Calls 4x/month for 3 months (12 live Q&A/coaching calls with Peggy)
☑️ Introduction to AI in Authorship
☑️ AI for Idea Generation and Title Creation
☑️ AI-Assisted Writing and Editing
☑️ AI for Book Design
☑️ AI in Marketing and Promotion
☑️ AI for Sales and Distribution
☑️ Future Trends in AI and Authorship
☑️ Mastering AI Tools for Authors
☑️ Building Your AI-Powered Author Platform
☑️ Conclusion and Next Steps
☑️ Online Course Access