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✅ Done: Your Book.

ATTENTION: Entrepreneurs, Authors, Coaches, And People Who Know They Are Meant For More...

If You Don't Have A Best-Selling Book With A Simple + Proven Business Growth Strategy, You're Literally Leaving Millions Of Dollars On The Table.

Would You Love To STOP Playing Small?

"No more effort is required to aim high in life -- to demand abundance and prosperity -- than is required to accept misery and poverty." - Napoleon Hill, Think And Grow Rich

Don't Be Average. Be Aware!

Statistics show that the average author sells less than 1,000 copies of their book. The astonishing thing is, it doesn't have to be that way! Quite frankly, they just don't know what to do. They don't possess the awareness of how to make it BIG in life and BIG in business.

It's Your Time! I'll Lead You To Leadership.

Every leader was once an intelligent follower. If you're ready to become an inspiring leader in your life and in your business, follow the path I've blazed before you. Allow me to lead you to being the EPITOME!

Hi! I'm Dr. Peggy McColl.

For the past couple of decades, I have been showing people just like you from around the globe how to:

• Become International Best-Selling Authors;

• Create valuable products;

• Build their brands worldwide;

• Create wealth and complete freedom;

Manifest any result they desire in their personal and professional lives, from dream homes and soulmates to perfect health and multi-million-dollar businesses;

• And much more

I have worked with – and been endorsed by – some of the most renowned experts in the personal
development field including…

• Bob Proctor
• Neale Donald Walsch
• Jim Rohn
• Dr. Wayne Dyer
• Mark Victor Hansen
• Caroline Myss
• Gregg Braden
• Debbie Ford
• Arielle Ford
• Hay House
• Marianne Williamson
• Dean Graziosi
• Gay Hendricks
• Marie Forleo
• And many others

I don't share this to impress you, but rather impress upon you - that:

A) If I can do this, ANYONE can, and

B) I am someone who has proven results and can help you

I'm Probably Just Like You.

Or at least I used to be like you -- maybe even worse off. :-)

When I started my career as an Author, I was a struggling single Mom.

I remember sitting on my kitchen floor, balling my eyes out, very uncertain about how I was going to turn my life and business around.

Then I remembered something my dear mentor Bob Proctor had once told me...

"Peggy, don't cry over anything that won't cry over you."

I realized my problems weren't going to cry over me, nor would they go away with the attitude I'd been having. I may have been victimized in some ways, but it was up to me to choose to stay a victim or not.

So I put on my thinking cap, I opened my heart to what I really wanted, and got on with the work.

Does that sound at all familiar to you?

When I first told my Mom that I was writing a book, she laughed me and said: "Pffft. A Book? You?"

That was a wonderful lesson for me. I loved my Mom, but I didn't have to let her beliefs or perception stop me from achieving my dreams. So I stuck with my decisions about what I wanted, and the rest -- as they say -- is history.

That was a long time ago. Now...

Dreams Do Come True, And Thoughts Do Become Things

In addition to helping thousands of other Authors become the EPITOME of success, I've done it myself – having written 25 books (so far) in both non-fiction and fiction categories, with books that have been translated into 39 languages and sold in over 95 countries.

People have named me “The Best-Seller Maker” as well as “Your Destiny Maker” in response to the incredible impact I've had on the world over the past 25+ years. 

I'm now a multi-millionaire who has taken it on as my mission to make a positive contribution to hundreds of millions of people's lives.

I'm a world-renowned wealth, business and manifestation expert as well as the New York Times Best Selling Author of Your Destiny Switch: Master Your Key Emotions And Attract the Life of Your Dreams.

How Can YOU, Too, Become The EPITOME?

Looking back on my story, I did it starting where I was, with what I had, and took one step at a time. 

I made the decision about my destination. And not just any kind of decision -- it was a committed decision.

Because I knew I did NOT want to stay where I was.

I experienced some pretty big failures at first, because I made the mistake of trying to do it all on my own.

Then I got smarter and sought out the help and guidance of a mentor.

Honestly... that wasn't cheap, and it scared the bejeezus out of me! But was it worth it? 

I think you know the answer.

And the thousands of clients that have followed in my footsteps agree.

With A Mentor, You Can Model Proven Success!

So many of us try to re-invent the wheel, or try to save money by putting in the hustle -- instead of choosing the easy route.

Some of us have even been taught that the easier route is a lazy way to do things, so our pride gets in the way.

Well, I'll tell you what...

I've tried both. And I know now, the only intelligent way to pursue success is with guidance.

It can save years, thousands of dollars, and be the difference between failure and incredible success.

At first, it may feel like a risk. But the bigger risk is winging it and struggling unnecessarily.

What Would YOU Love?

The exact vision you hold is different for everyone, but the patterns and rules of success are the same!

I'll help you pick a worthy destination and worthy goals that are worth trading a portion of your life for.

I'll help you make a plan and achieve things one step at a time.

I'll show you how it's possible, and how to do it.

All you have to do is decide to embark on the journey together and follow the EPITOME road!


$3,690 $1845

or 4 payments of $963 USD!

Get Started As Soon As NOW!

There's no reason to wait any longer! Everything's here for you. Let's go, baby!

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$3690 USD
4 payments of $963 USD spaced 30 days apart
  • 90-Day Training Workshop: 12 immersive training sessions that guide you step by step from Point A to Point B of becoming The EPITOME of Ultimate Author Success.
  • ​Live Q&A Sessions: Once per month for 3 months will have the opportunity to join a live Q&A session with Peggy and get all your author questions answered. Sit in the hot seat and receive tailored advice best suited to your needs.
  • ​Artificial Intelligence Author Program - A 10 module revolutionary author program crafted to harness the extraordinary capabilities of Artificial Intelligence, empowering you on your way to becoming a best selling author.
  • Detailed Guidance: Step by step processes to help you implement your new knowledge and awareness: No more "shelf help" - it's time to join The Implementation Age and DO and BE the EPITOME!

    For a full course module list, scroll down below.
  • Full Control Publishing: Interview with a Top Publishing House for Those Who Want to Retain the Rights to Their Book – what you need to know to determine the right fit for you and how to work with a publisher without giving up the farm!
  • Welcome To Hollywood: Interview with an Academy Award Winning Producer – Get your book(s) made into a movie or a series for Netflix – find out what you need to know to make this happen!
  • Accountability Tools & Cheat Sheets: We make it easy to create a plan and stick to it!

100% Certainty (Better Than A Guarantee!)

We can't guarantee your success, because we don't know your worth ethic, or if you'll follow through. However, we are certain that when you implement EVERYTHING Peggy shows you, and you remain persistent, you WILL create the success you desire. Show up, commit, do the work, and amaze yourself. We have plenty of case studies to prove it!

Secure Processing

Each order is processed through a secure, 256-bit encrypted payment processing gateway to ensure your privacy.

Client Success Stories

From Entrepreneurs to Coaches to Stay-at-home Moms - People Are Following The Recipe For Success!

Dr. Jussi Eerikäinen

Rachel Bazzy

Lennox Cornwall

Changed my life forever, both financially and professionally …

"Working with Peggy as a Mentor, Online Marketing Coach and ‘Go To Person’ has enabled me to take my first book and repurpose it to diversify my income streams, resulting in $113,927.92 in new revenue. I have created high ticket programs for my clients and used one idea to generate 27 new clients in 3 days. Brilliant! Peggy’s straight forward approach to harnessing my passions and marketing my message to women globally has changed my life forever, both financially and professionally and it has allowed the people who are searching for my particular programs and trainings to find me effortlessly. Peg, I am forever grateful and love your heartfelt passion for helping others share their gifts with the world.”

- Deborah Skye King
President: Soul Therapy International

DOUBLED her bottom line!

“Thank you, Peggy! Your coaching and information has made a world of difference in my life and business. In fact, my bottom line has actually DOUBLED because of your help.”

- Dr. Stacia Pierce

Follow her system to the letter!

“Anyone who’s serious about making a lot of money quickly and easily should follow Peggy’s system to the letter.”

- David Riklan
Creator of, the largest personal improvement site on the Internet

A non-stop, idea-creating, revenue-producing MACHINE!

“Peggy helped me design a brand new online marketing program that is generating more online business than I ever imagined possible. She’s a non-stop, idea-creating, revenue-generating machine. I highly recommend her! She’s worth 100 times what she charges – no, make that 1000 times and more! In a world full of good talkers it is nice to do business with a real DOER!”

- Dean Graziosi
Author of ‘Totally Fulfilled’, 
and Creator of

"I have known Peggy McColl for over 40 years and she is not only a wonderful friend but she is an excellent business associate. Her integrity is beyond reproach and her talent in this area is unmatched. Many of the greatest authors in the personal development industry have hired Peggy to assist them because of her expertise. ... Don’t even look sideways, don’t ask anyone, just leave your information and get working with Peggy." 
- Bob Proctor

Brian Proctor

Nana Jokura

Pamela Charles

Training Module Overview

12 Weeks • Unlimited Success

Pre-Class Information & Assignments

Pre-CLASS #1 Welcome & Orientation
What to expect – how to get the most out of it – accountability – check-in – evaluation – how to get your questions answered

Pre-CLASS #2 Creation
What will you accomplish – a powerful guide for setting inspiring goals as an author – examples of authors who have earned millions and achieved other extraordinary results

The Essential Mindset & The Approach

Setting yourself up for the greatest success – this class will serve you to create the absolute best results before you put pen to paper or fingers on a keyboard

Productivity & Implementation

Timeframes – structuring your schedule – making the most of your time – getting things done in record time

The Many Different Types of Books You Can Write

An overview of a multiple different types and styles of books – so you can see and choose the option that fits your goals – expand your consciousness to see what’s possible 

The Writing Part

The easy and effective way to write your book in record time – fiction and/or non-fiction 

The Finishing Touches

Cover design, foreword, dedication, endorsements, other offers, about the author, testimonials/reviews, pricing, etc.

Publish / Self Publish

Determining which is the best option for you and the route to both options

The Official Launch

The right steps to take to successfully launch your book from online presence to expanding your reach (online and/or offline)

Making Your Book a Best-Seller

International, and/or New York Times – framework AND the step by step plan

Continual Book Promotion

Extending beyond the book launch – keeping the book sales streaming in 

Foreign Rights Sales / Dealing with Agents & Publishers

What you need to know to have your book out in the world in multiple languages AND how to secure a large publisher (if that is your desire)

Publicity That Works

Many authors waste endless amounts of money attempting to get a publicist to promote their book when there is so much they can easily do from the comfort of their home – techniques to secure national publicity without wasting money

Your Book As A Business

A book is a source of income AND can be multiple sources of income. There is no end to what you can earn by being a successful author

Introduction to AI in Authorship

Unlock the Power of AI in Modern Authorship. Enhance writing efficiency, generate content, and improve language quality with our cutting-edge AI technology. Discover the perfect balance between AI assistance and human creativity for unparalleled results.

AI for Idea Generation and Title Creation

Unleash Creative Potential: Our AI-powered module generates and refines captivating book ideas and crafting winning titles. Elevate your projects with AI assistance for naming events, speaking topics, webinars, and programs, delivering impressive and engaging results.

AI-Assisted Writing and Editing

Explore how AI can aid in creating effective outlines, enhancing your writing style and flow, and efficiently editing and polishing your manuscript for a flawless final product. Embrace the power of AI to elevate your writing to new heights.

AI for Book Design

Utilize AI tools to create eye-catching book covers that grab attention instantly. Craft compelling back-cover copy effortlessly with AI, ensuring your book stands out and captivates readers from the get-go.

AI in Marketing and Promotion

Leverage AI to create engaging web pages that captivate your audience. Craft effective social media posts effortlessly with AI. Enhance your email marketing efforts and deliver personalized content using AI insights. Elevate promotional articles with AI assistance, ensuring your message reaches a wider audience and drives results.

AI for Sales and Distribution

Discover how AI can optimize pricing strategies, enabling smarter decision-making and maximizing profits. Leverage AI for effective distribution and sales, unlocking new avenues for growth and success in your market.

Future Trends in AI and Authorship

Dive into the world of emerging AI technologies relevant to authors, revolutionizing the writing landscape and empowering your craft. Anticipate future trends and explore what's next for AI in authorship, ensuring you stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of writing and storytelling.

Mastering AI Tools for Authors

 Master a suite of powerful AI tools designed exclusively for authors. From idea generation to content creation, editing, and marketing, our AI tools will elevate your writing game, helping you produce exceptional works with ease and efficiency.

 Building Your AI-Powered Author Platform

Learn how to seamlessly integrate AI into your writing process and marketing endeavors. Build a cohesive AI strategy to optimize your creative output and promotional efforts. Discover inspiring case studies of successful authors who harnessed the power of AI to achieve remarkable results.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Review and Apply: Reflect on the benefits of integrating AI in your writing journey and marketing efforts. Identify key takeaways from the insights gained to enhance your author platform.

Craft Your Action Plan: Develop a personalized strategy to leverage AI effectively in your writing process and promotional activities, setting clear goals and actionable steps.

Embrace Lifelong Learning: Stay ahead in the dynamic AI landscape by committing to continuous learning and staying informed about the latest AI developments, ensuring your writing stays cutting-edge and impactful.


Full Control Publishing

Interview with a Publishing House for Those Who Want to Retain the Rights to Their Book – what you need to know to determine the right fit for you

Welcome To Hollywood

Interview with an Academy Award Winning Producer – Get your book or books made into a movie or a series for Netflix – find out what you need to know to make this happen

Accountability Tools & Cheat Sheets

We make it easy to create a plan and stick to it!


$3,690 $1845

or 4 payments of $963 USD!

Suzana completely finished her book within 7 days...
Dear Peggy,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support, guidance and advice in regards to writing my book.

As I have mentioned, it has been a lifelong dream of mine to be an author, and although I have made attempts to write in the past, my old, deep paradigms kept getting in the way. I never knew if what I had to say was good enough, I didn't think that I could write well or write anything that was of real relevance to anyone. I would compare myself to authors that I admire and then would stop writing because I felt that they had something that I didn't have.

Without your support, dedication, professionalism and guidance, I know that I wouldn't have been able to accomplish my dream of writing a book in seven days. 

You were the key for me to make this a reality ... you are very personable, professional and honest and you helped me along to get to the end of my vision of having that book completed.

There were days when I thought "How in the world am I going to come up with the words?" but then with your support, I was able to relax and that is when the words flowed.

I felt like I was working in partnership with you and that we did this together. Thank you with all of my heart, I will not hesitate promoting you to anyone and everyone who needs a phenomenal coach.

Thank you again Peggy.
Suzana Mihajlovic
Author, "Your 2 Minds"
You're just one Best-Seller away from creating
Instant Credibility • Long-Term Wealth • Lifetime Impact
Short Stories
eBooks (PDF)
Any Topic
Any Genre
Any Format
Any Location
No Limits
No Barriers
Your book is your gateway to multiple sources of income...
These Celebrities Created Best-Sellers with Peggy's Guidance...
Mick wrote a Best-Seller and then secured a Hollywood Movie Deal as well as a Six Figure Publishing Contract...
In 2008, Mick Petersen had a dream about a beautiful universe and had the "audacity" of writing a book about it.

He finished the rough draft in 2011, but had no idea what to do next. After meeting Peggy McColl at a seminar, he joined one of her online classes where she helped him understand how to navigate the world of self-publishing and book marketing. 

In April 2015, he launched his book Stella And The Timekeepers to best-seller status on Amazon. Two weeks later, he was contact by Phil Goldfine, Oscar and Emmy winning Hollywood producer, who invited him to Los Angeles. 

They signed a film option for the book and together they have a shared vision of making his book series into a massive franchise on par with the Harry Potter series. 

He is now under contract with Simon and Schuster who bought the rights to his book.
Mick Petersen
Best-Selling Author, "Stella And The Timekeepers"
Banafsheh was awakened by messages in the night which she turned into an International Best-Seller...
In the middle of the night, Banafsheh Akhlaghi, a civil and human rights attorney from California, was awakened by “messages” that she found so powerfully inspiring that she began to jot them down on notepads. 

She decided to compile the mounting number of pages into book form. 

After reaching out to Peggy McColl, she put together, self-published and launched her book, Beautiful Reminders, which became an international best-seller. 

Her vast experience working at the international level for the United Nations and other global organizations contributed to her insights of truly understanding how to effect positive change in the world.

Since then, she's been up to all kinds of amazing things that are truly contributing to humanity as a whole - on a large scale.
Banafsheh Akhlaghi
International Best-Selling Author, "Beautiful Reminders Anew"
Elle launched a Best-Seller and secured a 7-Figure Publishing Deal...
Several years ago, Elle Newmark, an aspiring author, had written several books and attempted to follow the traditional publishing path only to become frustrated by many rejections from Publishers. 

She contacted Peggy McColl to get help to leveraging the power of the internet in effectively self-publishing and marketing her book. 

As a fiction writer, she soon understood that the same methods for launching a book applied for either fiction or non-fiction. She was an excellent student who followed all of Peggy's recommendations, but she also added her own creative thinking to the mix. 

One of the creative things she did was to send out more than 400 emails to publishers and literary agents the day before her book release to encourage them to watch her book rise up the charts. 

The next day, her book took off like a rocket and became an international best-seller on Amazon (following my strategy). 

Within a few days, she had a literary agent who put her book up for auction. Then within two weeks, she had publishers bidding on the purchase of the literary rights. 

Simon and Schuster preempted all other bids by offering her a seven figure publishing deal.
Elle Newmark
International Best-Selling Author, "Bones Of The Dead"
Pisey conquered writer's block and a lack of English skills, released an International Best-Seller...
Do you have an incredible story "locked up" inside of you that you'd just love to articulate and share with people - "somehow"?

Pisey Leng had an incredible story to tell, but didn’t feel her English was good enough to construct the sentences and paragraphs to tell it effectively, let alone write a book about it. 

However, once she found the confidence - and with a little guidance from Peggy McColl, she created an incredible book, The Wisdom Seeker, which became an International best-seller. 

Pisey grew up in Cambodia during the era of the torturous Khmer Rouge. At a young age, she was torn from her family and sent to a re-education camp. 

The horrific atrocities she and her family members withstood are unimaginable, but somehow she found a way to harvest the lessons about life and human nature both good and bad that she shares in her book.

Her book is inspiring people from all walks of life. AND it's become a wonderful source of joy and abundance for her.
Pisey Leng
International Best-Selling Author, "The Wisdom Seeker"

It's Your Turn! Easy Peasy Like Pumpkin Pie...

Click the button now, see you inside the Member Dashboard, and together - we will make you the next EPITOME of Ultimate Author Success!
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Peggy McColl can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies.

Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.

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