Tools and Resources to Help You Manifest 


New York Times Best-Seller 
Prosperity Mentor

Tools and Resources to Help You Manifest 


New York Times Best-Seller 
Manifestation Mentor

Welcome to the Manifestation Toolbox

Tools and Resources

The Manifestation Target

Set your target. Demand you reach it. Declare it becomes "your new home from which you view the world". Think always from the goal, rather than towards it. Fuse with your idea using your will. Truly feel that your success is absolutely guaranteed! These principles all become activated when you use this Manifestation Target template and focus on it every day.

The 7 Day Miracle

Manifesting your desires as easily as possible - and as quickly as possible - requires that you do seven key small things in a great way every day. 

The 7 Day Miracle reveals these key things, and also contains a sheet where you can track the successful completion of these life-changing, "miracle"-evoking activities.

The Demand Card

You may have heard of a Goal Card... but have you ever heard of a Demand Card? Combined together with the wisdom from The Demand Principle, you will enjoy manifesting your goals with ease by declaring your demands on your own Demand Cards.

Daily Discipline & Vibration Alignment Tool

Use this tool to track your progress and ensure you're doing your daily disciplines, feeling in perfect vibrational alignment with your goal all day, every day.

The Calming Tool

Feel the joy of being in a tranquil state, as this guide will help you instantly shift yourself into an emotional state of positivity and gratitude. 

The Money Paradigms Manifesto

Shift your paradigms around money with ease by using 
The Money Paradigms Manifesto.

The Manifestation Check

What's your income goal? 
Write yourself a check from the Universe and begin to manifest it with total ease.

21 Distinctions of Wealth Checklist

Use the 21 Distinctions of Wealth Checklist to keep track of how often you recite the 21 Distinctions of Wealth affirmations. 
Each Distinction is designed to be read once a day for 21 days.

Quick Start Guides

Power Life Script ®

FREE Quick Start Guide
Discover how you can write the script of your life and live it NOW - just like in the books and movies, but in this case - this is your real life and you're creating it to unfold exactly as you desire.

Epitome Author Roadmap

FREE Quick Start Guide
You can write and publish a book - as well as become a successful Best-Selling Author - within 60 days... and the impact this can have on your life and business, as well as the world, is incredible. Discover how you can follow Peggy's process and manifest your own Best-Seller, whether you're already an expert / business owner OR you are a "newbie" who can barely write an e-mail to save your life. :-)

YES to the Dream

FREE Quick Start Guide
Do you have a deep desire to live in your own dream home? Say "Yes To The Dream", and discover how to Manifest Your Dream Home with Peggy McColl - starting where you are with what you have (or feel you haven't got) right now.

Manifestation Media


Feeling IS The Secret

This is one of Peggy's absolute favorite books, and it's arguably one of the best books about manifestation ever written. Neville Goddard is the Author, and in this audio file, you can listen as Peggy reads the entire book to you in less than 30 minutes.

Calm & Creative Meditation

A quiet mind is a creative mind! Take back control of your thoughts, feelings and experiences - despite what may be happening in your external environment - with this meditation designed to create Calmness and re-connect you with your inner Creative Genius.

Savy Wisdom


It Has The Power To Change Your Life

"I just love this book." - Bob Proctor, Author of You Were Born Rich
“Savy Wisdom is a delightful, contemporary parable filled with deep wisdom for all ages. This beautiful engaging story of a teenage girl and a stranger, who becomes her mentor, offers inspiration, magic and the secret to success. Highly recommended.” - Arielle Ford, Author of The Soulmate Secret
"What I loved most about Savy Wisdom is that when I started reading it, I couldn't put it down. I look forward to adapting this book into a screenplay. It's really great!" - Phil Goldfine, Academy Award Winning Hollywood Producer

Implement The Power of Savy Wisdom™ in Your Life with Savy's Proven Success Principles.

  “You see, the secret to life is to feel joy and freedom while continuously holding the intention of what you want. Even though it may not be in your life at the moment and there may not be any evidence of it in sight, stay connected to what you would love as if it is already here. That’s how you draw what you want to you. By doing this, you activate the life-affirming power within you."
- Savy

Connect with Peggy McColl

Take Your Learning Further

Skipping Levels Prosperity 
Mentorship Program

The Skipping Levels Program with Peggy will, quite simply, allow you to attain quantum leaps in all areas of your life and open doors that otherwise would remain closed. 



Power Life Script ®

Just like a movie director or actor/actress, YOU can write the script of your dream life and live it - starting today!

Manifest Your Dream Home

Very likely, you’re not yet in what you consider to be your Dream Home – OR perhaps you are, and you’re ready to manifest your next one. Peggy McColl has created a step-by-step system that shows you how to do exactly that.
Disclaimer: Are these results typical? No. It takes a certain type of person to achieve results this good (or better). There are people who make zero dollars and some who even lose money, while others create 6, 7 or even 8-figure incomes, earn awards, and manifest their every desire.
Copyright © 2023 Dynamic Destinies. All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer: Are these results typical? No. It takes a certain type of person to achieve results this good (or better). There are people who make zero dollars and some who even lose money, while others create 6, 7 or even 8-figure incomes, earn awards, and manifest their every desire.
Copyright © 2020 Dynamic Destinies. All Rights Reserved.